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For the more in-depth bio click HERE.
You can read my statement of faith by heading HERE.
Sarah Mae is a nationally known speaker, the host of The Complicated Heart Podcast, and the author of several books including her latest, The Complicated Heart: Loving Even When It Hurts. She loves to travel all over the country, speaking at conferences and events, encouraging women to walk in freedom.
She makes her home in Lancaster County Pennsylvania with her woodworker husband, three spunky kiddos, and a naughty yellow lab named Memphis.
Learn more at and follow her @sarahmaewrites.
Sarah’s newest book, The Complicated Heart: Loving Even When it Hurts (B&H) was released in September 2019. You can learn more about the book HERE.
Psalm 40: Crying Out to the God Who Delights to Rescue Us Bible Study (LifeWay, 2019)
Desperate: Hope for the Mom Who Needs to Breathe (Thomas Nelson, 2012, over 100,000 copies sold)
Longing for Paris: One Woman’s Search for Joy, Beauty and Adventure - Right Where She Is (Tyndale, 2015)
Having a Martha Home the Mary Way: 31 Days to a Clean House and a Satisfied Soul (Tyndale, 2016)
Featured In:
A Moment to Breathe: 365 Devotions that Meet You in Your Everyday Mess (B & H, 2017)
CSB (in)courage Devotional Bible (Holman Bible Publishers, 2018)
My segment begins at 00:09:50
Focus on the Family Radio Interviews are below:
Encouraging Young Moms Through Intentional Friendship
Seeking Adventure in the Midst of Motherhood
Contact Information
Sarah Mae Hoover (Sarah writes under Sarah Mae)
Podcast Sponsorship Inquiries:
Literary Agency: D.C. Jacobson & Associates Literary Agency
Press Inquiries for The Complicated Heart: Jenaye White,